Friday, April 13, 2007

What color is your hat?

One of the things about Ford, is he's busy. He's always talking about how he just came back from Altanta or Orlando or Nashville. But while he's a jetsetting business man, he's also a man of many other hats.

While sitting in McNeil's office, he's wearing his Senator hat, then switches to his lawyer's hat while reading over the documentation.

Halfway through a revision of a section and mumbling in legal jargon, his cell phone rings. As he picks up the phone, he's suddenly wearing his entertainment hat. He's now talking like a bookie and telling someone about how he's going to get them tickets to the R Kelly concert.

"I haven't picked up the tickets yet, but I'll get them."

Ford get off the phone and he's back to wearing his legal writer hat.

"We gotta get the language right," says Ford.

At the end of the meeting, McNeil gives Ford another $5000 (fifty $100 bills)for what they just did in the office. McNeil says this was for going through the legislature. Now, I'm not sure what hat Ford was wearing at the time, but on the video, we watched him take the money and put it in his pocket.