Friday, April 13, 2007

Careless whispers at the Peabody

It's now 5pm and we're listening to the last piece of evidence of the day. It's an audio conversation of Ford and McNeil while they have drinks at that Peabody Hotel.

McNeil starts off the conversation by bringing up his business partner Joe Carson.

"He's [Joe] wasn't really into it," says McNeil. "He was concerned about the bad press you were getting."

Ford defends himself by telling McNeil not to worry about it. He's still the man. He may not do this all the time, but when he does do this type of work, he's successful.

After some small talk, McNeil lays out a business proposition for Ford.

"Tell me what you think about this. You think it's a problem let me know. What I'd like to see if you want to keep doing this until next year," says McNeil.

"I don't mind doing that. Don't have to talk about it," says Ford.

Ford then says something we can't hear. McNeil tells the court that Ford whispered that he didn't have a problem killing someone. McNeil says he felt threatened. He says he laughed at the comment because he didn't want to excite him even more.

They continue talking and John calms down. I'm not going to put too many quotes because while Ford is a talker, he uses a lot of words I can't put in this blog.

Later on McNeil makes mention of money.

"You can either slide over and we can finish this drink. Or you can give me a call later so I can give you something," say McNeil.

McNeil says he doesn't like to carry around that much cash.

The keep talking and Ford ends the conversation with...

"When they make women* a state or a federal crime, then I'd go to jail happy," says Ford.

* word substituted for a 'cleaner' version