Friday, April 13, 2007

Good Hands

Ford is an expert when it comes to what happens in the legislature and in a phone conversation on November 9 2004 (Exhibit 27), he tells McNeil how it's going to work.

"We can pre-file the bills anytime. I don't want to pre-file it with nothing out there," says Ford.

McNeil is concerned that they need to file earlier, but Ford tells him not to worry because they don't look at the bills until January 15th. They then take a look at everything that's been filed and Ford says he'll make sure they take a look at the ECycle file.

"And then we'll be filing with a bunch of bills but nobody pays any attention to them. But I'll take care of that," says Ford. "...I know exactly what to do. You're in good hands. You're in the best hands."