Friday, April 13, 2007

Somebody's out to get me

On March 10, 2005, McNeil says he did not wear a recorder to a restaurant meeting with Ford because he heard information from that field that Ford was becoming suspicious.

"He could possible pat me down. He seemed nervous and was suspicous that someone was setting him up," says McNeil when asked why he chose not to record the meeting.

While we didn't hear the conversation at the restaurant, McNeil said Ford was different. He was nervous. He was not as calm and his conversation was guarded. McNeil says that Ford thought someone was setting him up.

According to McNeil, Ford told him quote - "I would kill someone so there'll be no witnesses."

McNeil says he felt threatened and thought Ford was referring to him.

On the same day, Ford meets with McNeil in his office. Of course, he's now on camera and we can see for ourselves that Ford is different. First of all, he does not sit down during the whole meeting, instead he stays as far away from the desk as possible and keeps looking out the window.

"He did not sit down. He was looking at the walls. He was cautious and guarded," says McNeil while in court.

McNeil tries to reel Ford back and regain his confidence by talking about movies. When that doesn't work, he challenges Ford's effectiveness by saying he's concerned the bad press Ford's getting with other issues will affect the bill.

Ford still stands, but starts to whisper. According to McNeil and the other videos we've seen, this is unusual.

"I'm not mad angry or upset, cuz I don't get mad at folks," says Ford. "Let me tell you this. I can walk in the room and get more done than 10 mother*** can."

Ford's concerned about Alana Turner. He thinks she could be working for somebody and makes a reference that she could be an informant working for the FBI. McNeil tells the court today that Turner wasn't an informant.

McNeil still pays Ford $5000 that day, but that particular day Ford stopped McNeil from counting the money out.

"What's with the holes by this picture here?" asks Ford.

Ford kept looking at a picture at the wall. McNeil think Ford might have thought a camera was hidden there. Ford is so far from the desk that he's out of the frame for much of the video. He avoids the chairs in front of the desk the entire time.

"I counted fifty $100 dollar bills. I placed them in an envelop and put it on the edge of the desk. At the end of the meeting, Ford walked over with a newspaper and picked up the money with the paper," says McNeil.

After that day, Ford never accepted another payment in an office.