Friday, April 13, 2007

Deeper and deeper

Tape after tape, those watching the proceedings in the courtroom see John Ford accepting $5000 payments from the FBI in McNeil's office. Each time McNeil counts out fifty $100 dollar bills, Ford falls deeper and deeper into the sting.

"Everything you've told me you were going to do, you've done," says McNeil.

But aside from writing up the document and getting McNeil free concert tickets and football box seats, what else was Ford doing?

We learn by listening to the conversation in Exbihit 43 at took place on January 31 that Ford is not just writing up the legislation, but setting up a reception for E-Cycle at the Nashville Sheraton Hotel. In this audio tape the conversation includes Joe Carson, along with McNeil and Ford.

The ECycle uncover group does meet with Mayor Wharton (a meeting that Ford did not set up). They said they didn't find any wrong-doings during Wharton's meeting.