Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Who is Mr. Willis?

"Extremely bad."

That was the response Agent Burns gave when asked about Mr. Willis's financial situation before agreeing to work in Operation Tennessee Waltz.

Tim Willis was the person that brought the state corruption problem to the FBI's attention. He agreed to help the FBI and his role was to introduce the undercover FBI agents to the state legislators. Willis is not an FBI agent and Timothy Willis is his real name.

"We felt it was necessary to compensate Mr. Willis for his role in the undercover investigation," said Burns.

That's because the FBI would not allow him to take other employment during the investigation. They needed him to be available so paid him $6000 a month. This way he could pay his bills on time etc.

After the undercover operation was over, Willis was relocated out of Memphis, Tennessee. He still works with the FBI to testify at hearings, to travel to Memphis, to review recordings he made during.

He's still compensated by the FBI with a fee of $3000.00 a month. Burns says this is dramatically lower to what he was paid when working undercover.