Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Numerous recordings entered into evidence

A number of the recordings were then entered in as evidence.

Exhibit 1: Transcript
Transcript that Agent Burns prepared from conversations recorded in April.2004

Exhibit 2 and 2A:
Transcript and tape of telephone conversation that took place between John Ford and McNeil on May 20, 2004

Exhibit 3 and 3A:
Transcript and tape of telephone conversation that took place between John Ford and McNeil on May 28,2004

Exhibit 4 and 4A:
Transcript of conversation that took place in Miami, Florida between Ford and McNeil

According to Burns, the Miami Florida convesation took place on a yacht. This was social event that took place while they were there. The yacht was owened by E-Cycle to try to portray to the subjects the success of the companies.

Burns says invitations to Miami were extended to most of the subjects of the investigation but only Charles Love and John Ford actually attended.

The yacht was actually obtained through a drug trafficing operations and is used in many undercover operations.

More transcripts of Ford's secretly recorded conversations were entered into evidence. In total, they entered 65 transcripts.