Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The informant's criminal past

Tim Willis worked closely with the FBI to set up the Tennessee Waltz Sting, but who is Tim Willis and what is his role in this investigation?

Scholl brings up Willis's past. Before working as a "cooperating witness", Willis was arrested in a kick back situation at Juvenile Court, he also committed perjury in front of a grand jury in Memphis by lying, and he committed one other criminal offense. Willis was facing jail time for all these offenses.

The FBI approached Willis in December 2002. In 2003, they discussed his role in the different schemes and then began paying him $5000 a month in May 2003. Before that they reimbursed his expenses. Apparently, Willis would come to Memphis, meet with state officials and record their conversations over drinks or dinner. He began this early February 2003.

The first reimbursment for $85.10 occurred on March 6, 2003 (Exhibit #66). By the end of March, he had expensed nearly $2000.00.

"Some of that was for lodging," says Burns. "He stayed with another elected official...I think they split the room."

E-Cycle was not in existence yet. Willis's rate increased to $6000.00 once E-Cycle was officially in place.

"He didn't have much money at that time. That's one of the things he came to us about," says Burns. "...after he got out of prison he was not doing well at all."

The FBI wanted to keep up Willis's image as a successful lobbyist - the image he had before his prison time.