Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Ford's first involvement

The trick behind E-Cycle was that they had to come up with a company where the bill would never make legislation. They would need to use public corruption to get the bill passed.

Ford first became involved on April 19, 2004.

"On that day we had directed Mr. Willis to make a bribe payment to Mrs. Bowers. Mrs. Bowers was to set up a leadership dinner," says Burns.

The dinner was at Morton's steakhouse in Nashville. The FBI had no idea who Bowers was going to invite, but assumed she would have political leaders there. Ford did attend the dinner and again Burns says they had no idea that he would be attending.

During the dinner Ford met McNeil and Carson. He already knew Willis.

Burns was then asked if Ford agreed to sponsor legistlation for E-cycle. The answer was yes, but Ford did more than just agree.

"He drafted legeistlation at E-Cycle's request," says Burns.

According to Burns, Ford agreed to sponsor legislation for E-Cycle, he amended it at their direction and he filed it.

Burns also says Ford was paid ten bribe payments.