Wednesday, April 11, 2007

We're watching you

Burns says the reason the cameras were put in place was because they were sure bribes would be taking place.

Both E-Cycle locations had cameras and recording equipment set up in their offices. There was up to three cameras in the Memphis office and two in Nashville. In Memphis there was a camera located above the desk and two on the side for multiple views.

Burns says Ford was paid a series of bribe payments. The first one took place on August 19, 2004. Naturally, with all the cameras around the agents tried to get as many of the bribe payments on tape as possible -- including the August bribe.

The second bribe occurred on September 17, 2004. It too is caught on tape and entered as evidence. At this exchange, Burns says McNeil gave Ford $5000.

On October 15, 2004, Ford accepted a third bribe --again the FBI agents have it on tape and it was entered as evidence. Burns says that between the second payment in August and the third bribe, Ford did some work for them.

"We directed the uncover agent to direct Mr. Ford to amend the legislation to further benefit the undercover company," says Burns.

The amendments were made. Burns says there was language added and other parts removed.

On November 19, 2004, Ford accepted another bribe of $5000 at the Memphis E-Cycle office. This two was caught on tape.