Thursday, April 12, 2007

Scholl cross examines Caroll

Scholl begins by going over what exactly Caroll did in his consultant role.

" use the word 'lie' where I would use the word 'actor'," says Caroll. "We were like actors; we had a script."

"Either way it's not true," says Scholl.

"It's not true," says Caroll agreeing to Scholl's statement.

Caroll agrees that when he met Ford in April that Ford had not committed any corrupt acts that he was aware of.

"I did not know Ford or his background," says Caroll.

The dinner at Morton's Steakhouse consisted of 8 or more people. It was probably an expensive dinner, but Caroll doesn't know for sure how much it cost or what he ate that night. The one thing he does know was that he didn't bribe John Ford that night.

"I never paid John Ford any money," says Caroll when asked if he gave Ford money the night of the dinner.

Caroll admits that he never gave Ford money at any time during the investigation.