Monday, April 16, 2007

It takes two to brag

We're still on the same night (April 20, 2004) in the same restaurant. Based on what we've heard, McNeil has spent most of the night bragging about his connections in the entertainment business and John has been listening. But that's all about to change as it's now time for Ford to strut his stuff.

In Exhibit 103, Ford starts telling McNeil what he does. He sells insurance, he's a senator, he's a business man. He's even got family contacts who have businesses. He talks about his brother Harold and all the contracts he's got going on. But most of all, Ford is a consultant.

"In fact, I have some contracts that have to do with the county and city, and nothing to do with the state," say Ford.

Scholl asks McNeil if he filled out a report for that evening. McNeil admits that even though he spent hours and hours with Ford, he didn't fill out a report.

On April 29 (Exhibit 104) McNeil calls Ford at 3:30 pm. Ford tells him he's busy, but they still have a short conversation. They decided to meet up during Memphis in May. McNeil is going to pick him up some tickets for a concert.