Monday, April 16, 2007

Back to business

With the jury problem now under control, we immediately plunge back into the trial.

Undercover Agent McNeil is on the stand and is still being interviewed by the prosecutor. We listen to exhibit 63. Ford again accepts another $5000 during this transcript, but because it doesn't take place in the office, the FBI wasn't able to capture it on camera.

Last week we learned that according to McNeil, Ford was growing suspicious that someone was out to frame him. We had watched a video where Ford kept checking the windows and pictures as if looking for a camera. He still accepted a bribe that day, but picked up by hiding it in a newspaper.

That was the last time he accepted the FBI's money in that office.

Based on the questions so far today, the prosecutor is focusing on Ford's growing nervousness of the situation. When asked about Ford's behavior, McNeil first said Ford was acting "nervous and paranoid". But the word "paranoid" was later struck from the record.