Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Aha --we're not the only ones

We are still listening to transcripts of the guys at Ritz Carlton having dinner in Miami. We're on audio tape 4 or maybe 5 now and the jury is starting to drift off. It's sort of like being in the TV series 24, but an episode where nothing happens - yet you keep listening (in real time) because any minute something has to happen or why would Scholl show us this?

So far there is no talk of what the guys want Ford to do, E-Cycle or anything related to the undercover operation. It's casual conversation about movies and the movie business. Ford is hardly talking and it's mostly Willis and McNeil dropping names.

On this tape, the guys meet some ladies at the restaurant and they invite them to a party. Unlike the previous woman, these girls agree and the movie conversation continues.

Tim Willis tells the girls that he's McNeil's agent. This of course is not true and something Willis said to impress the girls.

Scholl then stops the tape. He asks why McNeil doesn't always record in restaurants. McNeil tells us because it's noisy or not always feasible. Yet, Scholl reminds him, he did record in a number of restaurants throughout the course of the investigation.

"But you notice there hasn't been any pertinent information revealed on any of these," says McNeil.

McNeil is referring to the tapes we've been listening to all morning and the court has to snicker. At least we're not the only ones who have no idea where Scholl is going with these tapes.

Scholl asks if McNeil decided what conversations would be pertinent during the investigation.

"I do decide when some conversations are pertinent," says McNeil.